
RC Helicopter Flying Tips

1. If something looks to be wrong with your rc helicopter, land right away to find out what it is. It's not going to go away on its own.

2. Fly the nose, not the tail unless you want to become totally disoriented.

3. If your RC heli gets the shakes, land and check to see if your blades are balanced and track properly. Other causes can be blade pitch, weight imbalance, RPM and so on.

4. When flying non-electric rc helicopters, always make sure you can see smoke coming out of the heli. If there's no smoke, it's likely that you're engine is running too lean. Too lean means too much heat which can destroy the engine.

5. Be sure that no loose wiring rubs against the frame. You can use a nylon braid to protect it.

6. Don't let metal or carbon fiber parts rub against each other. It can cause RF interference which can lead to a crash.

7. Monitor your battery's voltage with a battery monitor or by timing known flight times.

8. Experiment all you like - in a simulator where crashing doesn't cost a significant amount of time ort money.

9. When you're done flying your nitro or gasser for the day, tilt the heli backwards after flying to drain the sticky stuff out of the muffler. This will protect your car from nasty drippages.

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